Note input by pointing +keyboard

• Sep 22, 2018 - 11:58

What would you think, if in "continous view" you could just point your mouse cursor on a sheet line (up and down) and insert a note by a key press, 2..3..4 or so on, instead of selecting the note length first and using mouse clicks...? View point could move on as you enter notes, so that mouse moves would be at the minimum.. and if you need to correct previous notes you could then use mouse clicks on a note and correct the length or such..?
Could be useful for quick drafts, for example if you are quite sure of what the beats would be..
I didn't check for previous topics, if this is discussed before, so let's forget this if that's the case...


So, you mean, use the mouse to pick a pitch, then use the keyboard to select a duration? I could imagine this, but am not really understanding the advantage would be. Needing to fine tune the position of the mouse to get the exact staff line before pressing the duration key seems excruciatingly slow and error-prone to me. BTW, have you tried the "rhythm" and "repitch" modes, which allow you to enter the duration firs,t pitches in a separate pass?

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