
• Sep 25, 2018 - 20:29

I’m trying to create a new score which contains a transcribed solo to the tune Misty, by Errol Garner. The solo starts out with a series of notes played in rubato, that lasts 2 ½ systems long with no bar lines to indicate any measures( it’s like one measure that’s 2 ½ systems long!). For reference sake, the transcription can be viewed on YouTube, Misty, from the below menu look for Freddie Hubbard’s performance of…
Is it possible to write such a rubato expression using MuseScore, if so, how? I realize I can just re-write the rubato section, assigning the notes and rests to 4 beat measures, but I would like to copy it as is in the original transcription.I’m copying the solo transcription to write it for guitar with tablature. I’m relatively new to using MuseScore (since 7/2018). I used to use Guitar Pro previously, so I have a lot to learn yet, your advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


You are actually talking about two different things. The tempo mark Rubato and measures without meter.

To make the measure without meter I would start entering notes into the first measure. When I need more space, I would select the current measure and the next and use Edit->Measures->Join selected measures, or do the math and figure out how many beats you need and make the measure on the first system that many beats, then do the same for the measure on the second beat (either method you like). When you've entered all the notes, you can right click the measure choose Measure properties and decrease the actual duration by however many beats is necessary for the extra rests to disappear if needed. At the system break, select the barline and press V to make it invisible since MuseScore requires system breaks at the ends of measures only.

For Rubato you can use Fermatas on notes that are longer than indicated by the actual tempo, written or implied. Fermatas can be made invisible by selecting them and pressing v. The inspector for a fermata has a stretch field that allows you to indicate how long a note is held. 1 = no fermata, 2 = twice as long as written...

In reply to by lurohamey

"ghosted" items will not print. If you don't want to see them, then use the view menu and remove the check from "show invisible".

Anyone wanting unmetered measures should start a new thread because version 3 has some things that make it easier.

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