Problem because frames apply to all parts.

• Oct 4, 2018 - 17:10

I often have to have different layouts for different parts and therefore frames on one part may not be necessary on another.

However, since frames are a system object, applying or varying a frame to one part applies to all. This is a problem for me.

A solution would be to have a selection in inspector to apply as system or part object, similar to the way text is now handled.


It's a known issue for sure. Right now the best workaround is to set the widths of the unneeded frames to 0 using the Inspector, but this currently has other side effects and isn't always desirable. For 3.0 this will all work differently, so before thinking about how we might best address this, it would be worth playing around with a 3.0 build to see how it handles this currently.

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