1/ nieuwe versie downloaden op mac

• Oct 8, 2018 - 14:41

ik krijg telkens de melding dat er een nieuwe versie is, 2 3 2
maar als ik aangeef om ze te downloaden, krijg ik toch weer telkens 2 3 1 te zien


Maybe better go to the Dutch forum at https://musescore.org/nl/forum.

Google translate:
I always get the message that there is a new version, 2 3 2
but if I specify to download them, I still get to see 2 3 1 each time

What Operating System are you using? For Windows and Mac you should get 2.3.2 from the download page, but some Linux distributions might not be up to speed yet, for those you could take the Appimage from the download page instead

Edit: from I see that you're on a Mac: there the 2.3.2 version is available from the download page

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