How to skip specific measures in specific repeats

• Oct 25, 2018 - 23:11


I'm trying to write a score with a repeating section, where certain measures are only played during the first repeat, others only during the second. Please note that these measures that should only be played during either the 1st or 2nd repeat are not at the end of the repeat, but in the middle.

For doing this with measures at the end of the repeat, volta's are used. So I tried using volta's too, See the attached score for my attempt. What I want in this case is musescore playing the following sequence of measures: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Musescore in this case, plays the second volta also during the first pass of the repeat, so the sequence played is actually: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Can anyone please help me how to change the score so it will play in the correct order? Can it be achieved at all? Should I not use volta's? if not, what should I use instead of volta's in this case?

Thanks in advance, Erik

Attachment Size
test score for question 20181026.mscz 5.37 KB


I'm French, so.........the voltas 1,2 don't mean, play first or second time only, they mean "when you arrive at the repeat bar, this bar is played the first time , and not the second, and the second time, you pass at the volta 2.

These lignes 1 and 2 are only placed just before and just after a repeat bar, then can't be in the middle of your piece without a repeat bar.

If you want some measures are played only first or only second can't with Musscore, you can write it for the musiciens, but MuseScore can't do the audio you want. You must write the passage, 2 times one after the other with the measures you want each time

While Raymond is right in that a Volta is normally intended for alternative endings; MuseScore is quite versatile and lenient in allowing them to appear anywhere.

Your score plays back exactly as intended for me. I see you've created it in MuseScore 2.0.3 and indeed, back in that version this wasn't possible yet. All you have to do is update to at least MuseScore 2.2 (but better go for 2.3.2, the latest stable release) and your score will play back as you want it to.

In reply to by jeetee

Excellent, thanks both for your answers. I feared Raymond's answer myself already, and am very delighted with jeetee's. I'm on Debian/Linux with my desktops, and just installed what is in their repository. I'll find a repository with the newer versions packaged and install that.

Again, thanks to both of you jeetee and Raymond.

15 minutes later: found musescore 2.3.2 is in the official debian backports, installed it and it does what I want. Thanks!

As a musician, though, as well as a conductor and music director, I would plead with you not to do this. You might happen to be able to get MsueScore to play it back this way, but I guarantee rehearsals and performances with real musicians will be train wrecks, since this is not standard notation.

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