Tempos randomly changing

• Oct 27, 2018 - 04:31

In one of my charts I am unable to add a tempo by simply dragging it over or clicking it like I normally would. On top of that, the playback tempo is currently somehow slow for the first half of the first measure and then lightning speed for the rest. No idea how to fix it.


For playback problems, it's best to attach the score to your forum post so that someone here can actually verify the tempo behavior and perform a 'hands on' analysis of the problem .


To add a tempo, you need to click the note or rest you want to attach it to then double-click the tempo marking in the palette, or press Alt+T. Drag and drop also works if you are careful to drop only when the note or rest highlights My guess is you are trying to drop somewhere other than on a specific note or rest.

If the tempo changes mid-measure, probably there is a tempo marking there (perhaps invisible - go to the View menu and enable display of invisible items if you've previously disabled it).

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