Printing score prints title only on first page

• Nov 12, 2018 - 18:56

I'm using Musescore 2.3.2 on a Windows 10 machine. When I export my score to PDF (or print to a PDF printer - same result), the score's title prints on page 1, but the title does not print on pages 2 and after.

Also, the part names on page 1 are being printed, and I've deduced that they come from the names from the "Part" page. However on pages 2 and after, the part names are not printed, and on 2 of the 8 score parts, an "abbreviated" part name prints e.g. on page 1 "Wood blocks" prints and on pages 2-4 "Wd. Bl." prints. The other part names are blank. Does anyone know where the part names for "pages after 1" are set?

I used a score "template" set up by someone else, so some of these settings were part of the template - I just can't find where to change them.

Sample attached.

Ron Musescore sample.pdf


Why would you expect the title to print on other pages? Did you set it up that way in the header (Style / General)? Is it that way on screen?

Instrument names are set in the Staff Properties - right-click a staff to see the long (for first system and just after a section break) and short (everywhere else).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc,

I've been using Musescore only casually for a year or so - just to transcribe some parts from my music performance group. What I find lacking in the Handbook are things like explanations of the overall "picture" of the printed page, e.g. what/where the header is and where is it sourced from. The people who have built the handbook have done a really great job on the explanations that ARE there, but it's kinda like having all the assembly instructions on how to build a Volkswagen without having a picture of what the car looks like (meant to be funny).

So my score is picking up the title that I put on one of the individual parts - I did not use the "Header" area on the "Style/General/Header,Footer,Numbers" page. But what you said makes sense now that the title would print only one page 1 - I was looking for the setting that would print it on all pages. Since it's only a text box on one of the parts, I don't know if there's a setting that would allow printing on pages after 1 - perhaps that's not even an option...

And thank you for pointing out the names on the parts coming from Staff Properties - am I correct in thinking that Staff Properties is ONLY accessible via the right-click context menu, and is not on the "regular" menu options?

Again, thanks again for helping out a MuseScore novice.


In reply to by rsaritzky

Score and parts are linked, so if you have a text box with title in the score, it will generally appear in the parts as well, and vice versa.

Since most published music doesn't include the title in the header, this doesn't happen by default in MuseScore, but all you need to do to make it happen is use the setting I mentioned. Here, you can use "Apply to all Parts" to make sure the same setting does apply on all parts if you wish. You almost certainly don't want that whole big title box to appear on all pages though - that would be an awful lot of wasted space. If you really want that, you'll need to do some further customization of the header,

The section of the Handbook that deals most directly with the overall picture of the printed page is

Note there are also other resources to consider for learning MuseScore, such as my book Mastering MuseScore ( and my complete online course ( :-)

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