How to make hi-hat note unmatch with the snare?

• Nov 21, 2018 - 18:23

Does anybody know how to change the hi-hat note to an eighth note? It always goes with whatever the snare drum note is.
I attached a screenshot to make this more clear.

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The norm is for anything played with the hands to be in voice 1 and hence to share stems with this, so while it is technically possible to put the hi-hat and snare in different voices to have different rhythms, that isn't how professional editors would do it. Instead, simply enter the note as an eighth - so both hi-hat and snare on beat three are an eighth - then enter the hi-hat as a sixteenth on the "and" of three, and the snare as a sixteenth on the "a". So only one voice is required. The trick is realizing the hi-hat on the "and" of three doesn't actually need to be an eighth for the rhythm to work - a sixteenth will sound the same on a percussion instrument.

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