No playback sound with the nightly build mscore.64bits-2014-07-18-08-42-8b01e86.tar.bz2

• Jul 18, 2014 - 10:51

I tried to playback some score (built previously with the official mscore-1.3) using


but there is no sound (preference: internal syntesizer, PulseAudio, Fedora20-64 bit), but I'm not successful: No sound.

The installed soundfound is running well with mscore-1.3 (/usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2, Fedora20-64Bit) Additionally, I tried to add this font using the menu "View->Synthesizer->Add", but I'm not able to use a sound font (no possibility to add some text string into this window). I'm doing something wrong?


I forgot to tell that there are a lot of messages on stdout like:

channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
channel has no preset
FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:

In reply to by Joachim Backes

I guess that is due to the fact that the Linux nightlies only contain the msrocs binary itself, none of the supporting files, like translations, soundfonts, templates and the Aeolus stuff

I guess you could get them all by downloading a Windows nightly?

In reply to by Joachim Backes

the soundfonts (*.sf*), the templates (*.xml *.mscz *.mscz), the translations (*.qm plus that one xml file) and plugins (*.gml), basically everything but the executable (*.exe *.bat) and the DLLs (*.dll) should be platform independent, they'd just need to be inside a proper folder structure for MuseScore to find them. And no, I don't know what 'proper' means for Linux...

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