Possibility to change the offset with selected "Auto placement"

• Nov 29, 2018 - 18:06

It just came in mind and before I forget to suggest it (and maybe it's not the right time to mention it, there's much other stuff to correct before the next release ;-).
With the next released version there is available a "auto placement" feature for a smart layout. For the future development after the next major version (3.0) I could imagine by changing the offset with selected "auto placement" it should have an effect on it.
For example inserting a "rehearsal mark" and a "tempo text" at the same beat and changing the offset from one below or beyond the other, it should consider the auto placement (for example with a changed vertical offset it should exchange the position of the elements).


I'm not quite sure what you are saying, a specific score and more precise description might help. I can say that the offset is taken into consideration, but if there is still an overlap, then MuseScore will continue trying to resolve it - your offset. If you just want to say "put this here, dangit", then click "automatic placement" off.

If the goal is to have a way to specify which element gets moved above which, that to me is not best done by offsets but by style settings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As mentioned, it could be maybe (or maybe not) a feature request for a future design, it isn't urgent.

It came to me, when I watched your last MuseScore Café (thank's for this format ;).

In the attached score (by using the development version) I inserted a rehearsal mark and a tempo text to the first note. "Automatic placement" is selected, so there's no overlapping of these elements.

My thought was, what could be an easy way in a future design to exchange the vertical position without an overlapping of these elements. Or with other words, if I want to exchange the vertical position of these elements, wouldn't it be more user-friendly to adjust it with an "automatic placement" and without manual adjustments?

Attachment Size
exchangeposition.mscz 5.35 KB

In reply to by kuwitt

I agree with the goal of wanting a way to say, "no, put the tempo above the rehearsal mark, not the rehearsal mark above the tempo text". I'm just questioning what the best way to get to that goal would be. Probably, you want that decision made for all such collisions, not just this one. Which is why I think I style settings probably are the best way to go. Or to override it for a specific element, instead of needing to change the offset, maybe have a "autoplace direction" (up/down/left/right) setting to control how this element is moved in case of collision.

I gather Sibelius has a whole slew of these, though, and it's a mess. Probably Dorico too. So there is also something to be said for simplicity, and since offsets already exist, I can see the appeal. If one element has an explicit offset, it could be considered fixed in position, and the other element would be selected to move.

I don't know enough about how this implemented to say what would be the best match between intuitiveness to the user and simplicity to implement.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I gather Sibelius has a whole slew of these, though, and it's a mess. Probably Dorico too. So there is also something to be said for simplicity, and since offsets already exist, I can see the appeal. If one element has an explicit offset, it could be considered fixed in position, and the other element would be selected to move.

I don't know enough about how this implemented to say what would be the best match between intuitiveness to the user and simplicity to implement.

In my mind, though probably quite hard to implement correctly for some collision/style settings the UI should be more graphical and less oriented towards a lot of input fields for the controlling variables. These fields should be available for those typesetters that want/need to do precision tweaking, but for the average Joe this often is too overwhelming or technical to convince them into putting in the extra effort.
Having a (maybe even interactive) example of the specifics being changed would be tremendously helpful.

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