Musescore 2.3.2 Arpeggiation Bug
While transcribing "Kitten on the Keys" by Zez Confrey, I needed to make an arpeggiated chord such that every note is staccato. Though I was very well able to notate it, the playback is not right the notes are playing their full duration.
Could you upload the score file - .mscz - so others can have a look at it?
I tested Staccato entry. I dont hear much difference, but it is there.
To get a more clear staccato effect you may try the Piano Roll editor.
You open it by right-clicking the staff, and selecting it from the menu.
In the PRE you can select the notes, and modify the Len: value (for Length).
Values are 0 - 1000. Small for staccato, large values for legato.