Process of how suggestions in issue tracker are reviewed?

• Dec 20, 2018 - 18:35

I am curious to learn more about how the choices in Musescore's development are made.

Here at, what is the general review/evaluation process of how suggestions/feature requests, submitted in the "issue tracker", are considered? Is there a "committee" of sorts that regularly collates, reviews and prioritizes all the suggestions to date? (I suspect that in some cases where suggestions are made to improve a specific side-project such as the Piano Roll Editor, the contributing programmer initially decides what to include.). Or does the open-source community-driven nature of Musescore's development, with its multitude of volunteer programmers, make this process of incorporating submitted suggestions more "spontaneous" or "organic", nicer terms than haphazard?

Also, who is/who are the people that ultimately decide whats included in the final product?



It's pretty informal. Some of us just make it a habit to go through and try to assign priorities, then developers kind of at random pick issues to work on - either ones that are set to the top priority, or ones that maybe bother that developer personally. Once they have a proposed fix, they submit a pull request ("PR") and eventually maybe it gets "merged" - incorporated into the product.

While there might be discussion among developers as to when to merge different PR's, the ultimate decision makers as to which PR's to merge are the release managers. At this point, that basically means anatoly-os.

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