Option to Report Users

• Dec 22, 2018 - 23:33

I can't think of a reason that this shouldn't be a feature other than the possibility of immature people abusing it and wasting other's time, but aside from that I honestly believe it could only serve to make a better environment. Between a user reuploading my arrangements on his own account and a spam profile contacting me around 1 AM (detailed here: https://musescore.org/en/node/280499), it seems that there is an insufficient amount of ways to effectively deal with these problems.

When it comes to either of my examples, sure I could contact support and hope for the best, but then what? I've been reduced to leaving passive-aggressive comments on reuploads of my own content that are occasionally deleted in a feeble attempt to make sure people aren't being fooled by somebody too air-headed to create their own works.

This isn't funny, it's not cute, and it certainly isn't acceptable as is. There needs to be a way to combat these kinds of issues involving users of the lowest caliber. I would gladly settle for any means of reporting users like these, even if it meant recycling what should be easily implemented methods of notifying some sense of authority or moderator.

Please fix this.


In reply to by HitmonIee

Hello can you pls ban this member
And also this one; https://musescore.com/lily2005
The reason I'm telling you to ban them because they have been being mean to me, spamming my nonfiction, banning me for no reason for a long period. They have been doing this for a long time. So pls ban them they are really mean to me and if I don't report them any sooner they are going to report me I am really scared. Pls help your friend, member, and fan.

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