Multi-measure repeats

• Dec 29, 2018 - 17:27

It would be nice to have functional multi-measure repeat symbols. Currently, the 1 bar repeat works (basically, the %-looking symbol), but although 2- and 4-bar versions are available as symbols, they are totally non-functional. Years ago, there was a thread where the push-back was generally along the lines of "Well, you shouldn't use those symbols," but there's a reason that you see these in scores a lot--like when one instrument repeats a 4-bar phrase but the others do not. The top-tier scorewriters have this built-in.

What I'd like would be customizable: select how many previous bars should repeat to generate the symbol. Turn on or off the number of bars above the symbol. Center the symbol between the first and last barlines of the repeat bars (even numbers of bars will be on a barline, odd numbers will show up inside a measure). Allow the symbol to split if it appears at the end of a line (but don't split the number of bars; put it on both parts of the split.) Blank out all symbols (including rests) in the bars by default, but allow that function to be turned off for the whole section or for individual bars to allow for notation of variations in the repeat if desired. And, maybe allow the shape itself to be stretched out, although that last one is less important.

Adding the shape could also automatically copy and paste the repeated bars in invisible mode "behind" the repeat symbol; that way, if you delete the symbol, the music pops up and you can edit it any way you want.


Currently arranging a mariachi piece, and the vinhuela part is repetitive, you need multi measure repeats, and I don’t mind the playback… but the numbers… it’s so frustrating, I don’t think I’ve ever been more frustrated with anything else in my music career. What I might end up doing is taking it to a pdf editor after finishing up the score and just whiting out the numbers. I’m using musescore 4 and have not found a fix to this… and this is 5 years later…

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