Persistent dynamics

• Jan 29, 2019 - 18:38

At present, it is straightforward to select a whole instrument line and redefine as pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff. Unfortunately, the reverse is not possible. Sure, you can overwrite one with another (which looks messy), but you can't block unmark. Instead, you have to edit each individual element. After about five or six select/deletes, the mark eventually goes, but the dynamic does not revert to normal level. Would it be possible to include a blank field among the dynamic markers which would have the effect of removing all other markers and restoring the note/bar/line to normal?


It sounds as though you have imported a midi score. If this is the case, then you will need to select all notes (select everything and click Notes in the inspector) then reset the Dynamic type to offset (click the black round arrow to the right of it) and reset the offset to 0 (click the arrow again).

No matter the source of the score, to delete several dynamic marks, select a section of music, right click any dynamic mark, choose Select>All similar elements in range selection and press delete.

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