change time signature and convert quarter notes to eights

• Jan 30, 2019 - 21:09

I imported a midi file , and MuseScore made a score that is a good starting place, considering that the midi file was computer generated from a .wav file with Linux “WaoN” utility, and has some problems that I can fix manually.

I changed the time signature to 4/4, and that worked, but the music that should be in one bar is stretched over two bars, and it is not right for this piece.

Is there a way to coerce this to alter the notes, every not halved?


Phyllis Chang (playing tenor and bass recorder duet ) "This is a song very popular in 70’s till now among Chinese in different regional. English translation: The moon represents my heart."
*** my work in progress attached ***

Attachment Size
TMRMH_bp1.mscz 31.07 KB


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