Chant Tones with no time signature

• Feb 4, 2019 - 02:42

I will be using this program for church. Is there a way I can prevent the automatic insertion of rests and measure bars? There is no time signature for chant tones that are used to sing the Psalms.


There are a few things you can do. Right click the staff, select staff-parts properties and remove the check from Show barlines, this will of course eliminate barlines. You can then open the Format->Style menu and check the option that starts "Display note values across measures" this will prevent notes from being split at the invisible barlines. Assuming you're using version 3, if you get to the end of a line and have extra rests, you can select them and press ctrl+del to delete the rests. Only do this when you want to start a new line, otherwise you probably won't like the results.

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