Can you manually input fractional tempos?

• Feb 8, 2019 - 04:19

So I am writing an impromptu and trying to get a smooth accelerando sound in the playback without having to use the TempoChanges plugin and Musescore 2. I mean, hopefully the TempoChanges plugin will be adapted for Musescore 3 soon but until then, I have to do it manually. I am accelerating from 120 BPM to 183 BPM by the eighth note for 6 measures in 4/4 which means that the change in tempo per eighth note is 1.3125 BPM. This is under the threshold for me where a change in BPM equals a noticeable tempo difference. It doesn't start becoming a noticeable tempo difference until I reach 3 BPM per change in tempo. And even then, it isn't very noticeable until the change in tempo is 5 BPM(this is why I barely notice the difference between Allegretto and Allegro is because it is only about 3 BPM difference). So it should sound alright with the manual input. But I was wondering if I can manually input fractional tempos like say 135.5 BPM and actually get the fractional tempo to play back or if the Musescore software would just round it to the nearest whole tempo. It's no big deal if it rounds to the nearest tempo because it would still be below the threshold where it goes from slight rubato to a noticeable tempo difference. I'm just wondering if I can input fractional tempos and have it play back at like exactly that tempo(that is basically what happened with the TempoChanges plugin is it would take the overall tempo change and divide it and then there would be a ton of tempo marks with decimal points).


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