cannot beam

• Feb 22, 2019 - 08:35

Hi, I am fairly new to Musescore. Coming from using Logic Pro, I have to change many ways of my thinking to try to use Musescore effective. Many problems I have encountered I have resolved by reading the many helpful posts, however, with the current problem, for hours I just cannot get Beaming to work as intended:

in bar 5 of the attached score, on beat 3 and 4, there are supposed to be two voicings. I am simply trying to beam the "lower" voicing notes together as in the original score(I am preparing demo tracks for our local choir). Yet nothing seems to work. I have tried dragging the various beaming icons to the notes, highlighting the notes and double clicking on the various beaming icons...etc.

Suggestions would be most appreciated!

Attachment Size
Count On Me-Scan.mscz 62.23 KB


The score is corrupt, you need to fix those first, before doing anything else with it.

Measure 5 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 9/8
Measure 24 Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 9/8

Esp. as one corruption is in the same measure as your beaming problem.

Check the attached

Attachment Size
Count On Me-Scan.mscz 59.62 KB

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