Saving scores

• Feb 28, 2019 - 19:35

Feb 16, 10:47 CET
While working on a psalm setting, I repeatedly saved it using both Ctrl + S and the the pull down menu under File.

Luckily I exported and saved a PDF of the finished product, as the completed .mcsz file seems to have disappeared and only a much earlier, partial score, completely without all my carefully laid out pointing and text comes up when I select Open and the only file that MuseScore seems to know about.

What's up?? Where does MuseScore save scores while you're working on them ? Somewhere in the Cloud?? On my computer? Where?

Hours of work have gone missing and I'm NOT HAPPY.

Glyn Marillier paid up Pro user

28th Feb. finally heard from Support - no answer but the suggestion I post in this Forum. So glad I wasn't asking for help with a heart attack (heavy sarcasm). In the meantime, I've found a few interesting cupboards Musescore hides things in and struggled through another transcription of a badly handwritten manuscript with almost illegible text and quizzical pointing... the things choristers have to deal with! I think I'm learning my way around the software but it's almost as painful as learning Fortran 50 years ago!!! The "Manual", such as it is, is nearly as opaque as those for both Finale and Sibelius. Learning by doing seems to be the only option...


Asking questions in the forum is another option that often offers solutions. The manual, in stlie Wiki, can be improved. Welcome on board and...Buona musica!

This forum is definitely a good place to find help. The score you were working on and lost is most likely still there, it's probably misplaced. In windows, it's easy to open the file explorer and search the C: drive for a file by name (don't bother with the .mscz at the end of the name). You can then find where you were saving it.

The manual, much like a FORTRAN manual tells what's available for the user. It's up to the user to figure out how to put that information together to make music. This is the same idea as a FORTRAN manual does not write programs for you, but gives enough examples that you can do it yourself.

The users that help in the forum have taken that info and can help you put it together. At least that's the way I did it. I and many others want to help you, so let us know what we can do.

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