Parts Generate Extra Blank Pages!

• Mar 13, 2019 - 00:40

Hi, I have a score I am composing for an orchestra. When I try to generate individual parts for each musician in MuseScore, the result that I get is that the individual parts have 6 extra blank pages within them that serve no purpose. The piece is only ~16 bars long, and yet I have 8 pages per part where most do absolutely nothing.

These extra pages are unfortunately generated for all parts. Anyone know if I am doing something wrong? If I try to delete the vertical spaces on the empty pages the program crashes.

I have attached the file below.

(Mac OS 10.14.4)

Attachment Size
Thats All Folks.mscz 14.44 KB


You caused them by adding frames to the score. You can't see the frames because you are in continuous view for the main score. Change to page view and you will see the frames that you can delete. These frames are very obvious in the parts, which are in page view.

In reply to by DanielG03

The problem was supposed to be fixed in version 3.0.5. The score was created using version 3.0.4. Another issue is the fact that you have staff text set at -174 (174 spaces above the staff) which puts huge spaces in your score when in page view. I suggest that you never make a change to styles when you have the score in continuous view. Most are not seen until you are in page view. I suggest that you go through all of the styles and reset ALL of your changes to the default, and then look at the score in page (NOT single page) view to make any adjustments.

One more thing, dragging anything around on the screen is a bad idea. Look at what dragging the natural from the E in staff 1 did to the spacing. This is the typical result you will get when you drag things in version 3.

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