How do I fit 6 equal notes in a bar of 4/4?

• Mar 17, 2019 - 01:45

So I'm transcribing the song "Ill in the Head" By the Dead Kennedys and I've come into a bit of a snag. There's a part in the song in which the bass plays 6 equal notes in a bar of 4/4 and I haven't been able to find out how to do that. I've tried using the triplet function but that just makes smaller 16th note groupings which I'm not looking for.

Below is a picture of the guitar and bass part. I'm trying to get a note in between both the two 4's and the two 6's.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this cause I am just stumped.

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You need to start the measure anew. My best guess is that the score is in 2/4 so you actually want 6 8th notes. Select the measure rest and press ctrl+alt+6 to make a sextuplet and they should automatically be displayed a 8th notes.

In reply to by NoisePerson

the instructions are the same. select the measure rest and press ctrl+6 and you'll get 6 1/4 notes.

BTW, it Saturday night in the US and the middle of the night in Europe where most of the people who hang out here live. You're not likely to get an immediate response right now.

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