Bass Drum

• Apr 2, 2019 - 20:15

When I use Acoustic Bass drum on drum set, it sounds different then if you select it as a separate instrument. How do you make them sound the same?


I think you may have put in a Concert Bass Drum from the instruments list. Choose two Drumsets from the instruments list. Make the first staff 5 line and the second staff 1 line. Rename the 1 line staff "Bass Drum." Assuming the same soundfont, they are the same drum and same sound.

In reply to by ramblinj

…. to clarify. I also assumed you didn't change anything in the mixer, so same soundfont and same patch. But this is default for some number of drumsets you add from the instruments list. (If you have multiple soundfonts loaded, I believe the top loaded font is targeted over and over. I am not sure, however, how many drumsets you can add without running out of ports.)

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