Guitar bends

• Apr 3, 2019 - 02:10

I have just been playing with the guitar bends. They are fab but they only represent bending a string/note with your finger. So, as far as I can tell, the note (if it is to change at all) starts at the correct pitch and then has bends applied. But currently the note can only rise in pitch (before dropping again, or not as the case maybe). However If the "note" or first node, as represented in the graph, were to be in the middle of the vertical axis, then downward bends (a la 'whammy' bar/tremelo arm) would also be possible. That would be very exciting.


You wrote:
If the "note" or first node, as represented in the graph, were to be in the middle of the vertical axis, then downward bends ... would also be possible. That would be very exciting.

Here's a workaround:
Since the note can only rise in pitch before dropping again, it can be detuned (200 cents per whole tone) in the Inspector. Then the bend can be made to "fall" to a lower pitch.

Play attachment:
Note Fall.mscz
Check out the bend properties graph and also select the note and observe the tuning offset in the Inspector.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Excellent workaround when used with a single note as you have done. It did not seem to work well for a series of tied notes with a trem arm dip somewhere in the middle. I settled for just noting there was to be a 1/2 step trem arm dip at the indicated position. I like the idea of being able to make downward bends without first lifting the note on the staff and I would add that this would not be exclusive to guitar notation as one might also wish for, for example, a horn to do this. Excellent ideas!

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