Something I find weird about measure numbers...

• Apr 4, 2019 - 19:53

I have never seen this on any sheet music, but the way MS positions measure numbers looks odd to me. If the measure numbers are every line and appear above the staff or bracket on the left, shouldn't they stay in that position throughout? If the measure is a pickup, the measure number moves to the barline preceding the first full measure, rather than the number of the first full measure appearing in the same position as all the other measure numbers. I've attached an image to show what I mean. I think that it should at least be an option.

The measure numbers moving creates a distraction, IMO.

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Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 11.46.51 AM.png 120.97 KB


For me, in the current release 3.05, I get the measure number where I expect by default. If I check the "exclude from measure count" in the partial measure, then it moves. If I instead use "Add to measure count" of -1, then it moves back. I think this was deliberate. As I recall, this was discussed by a few people a while back and there were pretty convincing examples from published music posted to back up their request, as I recall, and I think some sort of change was made, but to be honest I forget what they were arguing for or against.

In reply to by Soolip

Hard to tell from just a picture, but if you don't want the measure numbering messed with, then you should neither exclude it nor use the -1, and in that case it should work - just as I said already happens by default. If you have some specific case where it seems not to, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Mark, I did exactly that. The measure number should be 13, in the same position as all the other measure numbers. However, when I choose to not exclude the numbering of the pickup measure and use -1, it changes to 12. To be clear, the measure number above the bracket SHOULD be the number of the first FULL measure in the line, not the previous measure.

I've attached it. The issue is on page 2, 3rd system. Thanks.

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Sonata_III.mscz 43.33 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, no this is not correct. If I use the default approach, the number moves. Technically it correctly number measure 13 as such, but not in the traditional way. The number 13 should be in the same position as the other measure numbers. A programmer may argue that the 16th note pickup is technically the last 1/16 of measure 12, but a musician would tell you it's not meausure 12, but the pickup to measure 13. Traditionally, the numbers at the beginning of each staff are the numbers of the first FULL measure that staff, not the pickup measures. I'm sorry, but I'm trying to be as clear a possible. I've never seen a measure number move around like in the screen shot I've attached here.

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Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 9.16.45 AM.png 219.16 KB

In reply to by Soolip

Again, it works absolutely perfectly for me if I simply change that erroneous "-1" back to the default of 0. I guess you are saying you want the pickup to say 13 and the full measure to also be 13. Fine, so then set the full measure to exclude from the measure count.

I have attached the score where I made those changes and no others, and a screenshot of how it looks for me:


Attachment Size
Sonata_III-fixed.mscz 39.02 KB

In reply to by Soolip

What would you want differently? This is, after all, somewhat non-standard notation - the partial measure would not normally be counted as part of the subsequent measure. But even so, it takes all of a couple of seconds to exclude the following measure from the count when you want this effect.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Some publishers number measures in this way, so I can't say how standard or non- it is. An option to number the measures by the first full measure in the line would be a good option. Probably not the most crucial feature on your list of many requests. :)

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