Inserting Staff type change in the middle of a bar

• Apr 5, 2019 - 17:32

Is it possible to change the number of lines of a staff inside a bar, like for example in the attached image? As far as I can see for now it is possible to do it only at the beginning of a bar but not in its middle.

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example.PNG 20.45 KB


Ok, thanks for your help. I hope anyway that it will become possible to put the "S" everywhere in the bar and not only at the beginning, because splitting a bar is sometimes complicated.

In reply to by giovannizaniol

The only time splitting a bar gets complicated is when you already have parts created, don't do that! Otherwise the only complications might be that other instruments have a note that crosses the measure split, and that could be complicated. It's possible to make almost any split look and play back correctly, it's just a matter of a little work and knowing the capabilities of the program.

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