percussion - body Notation

• May 4, 2019 - 19:58

Recently I have been creating a little piece for fun and i wanted to add some slapstick, but no matter what I do, it wont let me add any sort of un-pitched drum notation. i have followed the handbook to the letter to no avail. I am using keyboard and mouse with no access to a midi keyboard. any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Is the slapstick sound part of a drum set or is it listed with the pitched sounds? If it's in the pitched sounds, then create a pitched instrument staff, change the name and set the sound to the slapstick. You can even change the number of lines on the staff to make it look like the rest of the percussion. The only thing you can't do is apply a percussion "clef."

In reply to by cadendrewett1

Then you are missing something.

Find the midi number assigned to the drum
Open the drum set and scroll down to the midi number and click it
Enter the name of the drum
Set the note head
Set the line, shortcut, voice and direction to something unique for that drum set
Click OK and it should be added.

If this doesn't work attach your score.

In reply to by mike320

I have the slapstick line added, but when i go to add a note the drum notation thing at the bottom of the screen doesn't have an option for slapstick and when I go to edit it to find the slapstick I get super lost because i'm relatively new to this and don't know what most of the stuff here means yet.

this is my score for you to check. I know its not the greatest but this is my first piece ever and im basing it off of the myth of Ragnarok. this is for a school project so i wont have a band play this when im finished so im basing it all around the playback the computer gives

Attachment Size
Ragnarok.mscz 14.95 KB

In reply to by cadendrewett1

I didn't look before, but there is no slapstick sound. You have undefined sounds (#16 & #28) applied and as you can tell they sound nothing like a slap stick. I suspect this is your problem. You can try the hand clap sound (#39), but I'm sure you'll find it barely better than what you currently use.

To delete an existing drum assignment, select the sound, set the shortcut to -- and then delete the name in the top box.

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