Using different intsruments for playback but having 'original' instruments listed in description

• May 7, 2019 - 08:36

I am wanting to upload some pieces for organ and voice.
However the organ and voice patches are disappointing when it comes to playback.
I would like to use the onboard piano and flute sounds for playback instead.
Currently in stave properties the parts are listed as voice and organ while in the mixer I have switched to flute and piano.
The problem is I would like my piece to be indexed, flagged up in searches etc. as being for organ and voice.
When I uploaded an experiment the part names were listed as flute and piano.
So it seems the mixer settings override the stave property / part name settings.
Is this right? Is there a way around it?
I am using Musecsore 2 as I don't have 64 bit computer.


This would be a issue (and had been brough up there a couple times already), nothing that we here at could change of fix.

I am using Musecsore 2 as I don't have 64 bit computer. This is no reason not to update, MuseScore 3 is available in a 32-bit version too.

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