Conversion from music xml

• May 7, 2019 - 09:30

I am using MuseScore 3, latest version. When converting a music xml file for choral music where the tenor part is written an octave higher than it is to be sung, the conversion result is an octave to low when played because of he cumulative effect of the treble clef 8va bassa (a little 8 below the clef) and the part properties where it indicates that the part is to be transposed down one octave.

Attachment Size
cantate_domino.xml 337.27 KB


Looks correct when I import it in 3.0.5 or the latest development build, staves 4 and 5 as non-transposing with a Treble clef 8va bassa, just like it should for Tenor (SSATTB).

Relevant snippet from the XML:


In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

In another example the original music xml score shows both a clef-octave-change attribute in the clef and an octave-change attribute in a transpose element in the first measure of the part. I don't know how to include xml in the post so I have copied them in the text file attached.
The software used to encode this file is Sibelius 7.5.1 using theMusicXML 3.0definition.
It looks like the clef-octave-change tag for the clef only indicates the correct notation of the clef and the actual transposing is only indicated in the transpose tag for the part. I noticed that the MuseScore export to music xml only adds the transpose tag to the clef, not to the part.
Other Sibelius encodings that I have checked also have the octave-change attribute both in the clef and in the transpose element of the part.
I don't know whether Sibelius or MuseScore has the correct interpretation.

Attachment Size
clef-otave-change in tenor parts.txt 327 bytes

In reply to by aCinque

   <clef number="1" color="#000000">
    <staff-details number="1" print-object="yes" />

But better attach that xml.
Than again this might be a bug in Sibelius' XML export, won't be the first...

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