No sound?

• May 9, 2019 - 10:17

I am using Musescore 3.0 on my laptop, and I suddenly can't play any sound in the program.This have not been any issue before. I tried uninstalling and re-installing, but the problem remains. Does anybody else have this problem? Skjermbilde.PNG


"Suddenly" is also not something MuseScore generally does by itself. There's a chance you've had some updated, or connected a (bluetooth) headset in a way such that MuseScore is unable to auto-detect the change and/or the device.

Have a look at Preferences → IO to see if your audio driver/device is still selected; if the dropdowns are empty, there's a button to force MuseScore to rescan the possible audio devices.

Also check the Synthesizer to see if you actually have a soundfont loaded into MuseScore (by default, in the Fluid tab you should see MuseScore_General.sf3)

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