all my notes disappeared!

• May 10, 2019 - 21:04

in editing some serious changes of time signature, suddenly all of the notes i had entered disappeared... there are only blank measures with my time signatures... how can i retrieve my composition? how can i avoid this problem?


If anything like that ever happens, click undo or press ctrl+z to undo what you did (maybe a few times). If ctrl+z doesn't work, then close the score and discard changes reload it and start editing again. Unless you did something to turn it off, you also have a backup of your score. The name of the file will start SC have several random looking numbers and letters then end .mscz. You can open these files and find the one that is the score you are working on and the use Save as to make the file name meaningful to you.

In reply to by mike320

i was not able to locate the backups. is there a trick on mac OSX?
i simply went back and re-entered the missing notes this time, but it would be good to know how to find this kind of backup in the future... i looked for the filename with a period before and a comma after... no results...

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