Export intermittently stops working

• May 13, 2019 - 16:47

I have an intermittent problem with the program not exporting or re-saving scores after I have finished editing a midi file originally created on my Yamaha P-125. The problem occurs about once every 10 projects. I open the midi file in Musescore and the first thing changed is the tempo because the tempo shown in the midi file is not the same as created. Other changes usually concern notes. My normal sequence of events is:
1. Create a midi file while playing Yamaha P-125
2. Transfer the midi file from Yamaha to PC laptop via Yamaha's Musicsoft Downloader
3. Open the midi file in Musescore 3.0.5
4. Make changes
5. Save edited file as .mscz (sometimes the file cannot be saved at this point)
6. Export edited file as .mid (sometimes the file cannot be exported at this point)
7. Transfer edited midi file back to Yamaha
To correct the problem I have to abandon the originally created midi file completely and re-play the song to create a new midi file to edit.
I have attached a .mscz file that was created as a midi file as indicated above, edited in Musescore, saved as .mscz, but will not export. It will not write-over the existing midi file nor will it create a new midi file with a different name.
I hope you can find something within the attached .mscz file which is preventing export to function. If so, I will be able to fix the problem with future edited midi files so they will export.
Thank you.

Attachment Size
LH What A Wonderful.mscz 39.88 KB


In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Thank you. Now I have another question for you. (First let me say that I always verify which directory my files are saved or exported to so that is not an issue.)
After downloading the midi file you created from my .mscz file, I re-opened my original .mscz file and was able to export it. I don't know why I have an issue with export intermittently not working but it did finally work.

My question for you is: How did you clean up the .mscz file I uploaded which then exported to a clean midi file? What I mean by that is that the file I uploaded (and the reason I needed to edit it in the first place) had a lot of 1/16 and other notes whereas I only played 1/8 notes. The original .mscz file was a mess in that regard, but the file you sent back was perfectly cleaned up and all the notes were corrected and show as 1/8 notes.

How did you fix my file, or was it automatically fixed when you opened it in your software?

The reason I ask is that very often the midi file created by my Yamaha has a mix of note times that I didn't play so I have to replay and get a new midi file. Perhaps the problem in that regard is my Yamaha.

But I would still like to know how you sent a completely clean 1/8 note song from a not-so-clean .mscz file I uploaded.

Sorry for the long, rambling question, and thank you so much for your prior response.

In reply to by twoaday

I used a midi file editor :)
(Sekaiju is a free midifile editor.) https://openmidiproject.osdn.jp/Sekaiju_en.html
No installation is required. Just extract it and use it.

First I exported as a midi file.

I opened this file in Sekaiju.
I quantized and corrected one or two places (in piano roll editor).
I saved the file.

And I opened it this MIDI-file again in Musescore.

It want a little hand habit, but after a while you can do it easily.
It took me three or four minutes to do all this.
At first, you'll spend 15 minutes on this. Then when you get used to this, you've done in two minutes.

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