Playback ignores second ending on second first/second ending

• Jun 30, 2019 - 20:14

I have problems with the playback function in a piece where I use multiple first/second endings. An example is attached to illustrate what I mean. Basically I have passage A, finished by a first/second ending and passage B, also finished by a first/second ending. In passage B, the playback ignores the second ending and repeats the first ending, after which stopping the piece.

If I remove the first first/second ending, the second first/second ending suddenly works fine. That is weird ... Can someone explain me what is going wrong and why?

I use version

Attachment Size
Repeats.Test_.mscz 5.7 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

(the 2 being the 2nd round of the 1st repeat, the 1 being the 1st round of the 2nd repeat)

Wow!... 😂... I'm delighted you added the (seemingly convoluted) logic behind it.

Your solution works, but I'm wondering about @Peter's statement (in his attachment below) that: "Only 1. Volta can appear between repeat bars."
To me, his score looks simpler and doesn't require the (strange?) Inspector volta adjustment.

[Behind Bars, anyone?]

In reply to by Jm6stringer

The 2. volta with 1 & 2 repeats becomes cosmetic only because it is essentially ignored. However, it does correctly show that the A section has a 2nd variation, even though it is integrated in the B section. I avoid voltas wherever possible, for similar reasons to this case, but for correct markup, it is neccessary to do the extra work.

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