3.2.3 crashes in Windows 7

• Jul 21, 2019 - 23:56

(OK, I know it's only good for a few more months, but that's what I have to work with now)

MuseScore-3.2.3-x86_64 crashes when installed on Windows 7 - Message to the effect 'Musescore has stopped working' - Downloaded which does work - tried to download 3.2.2, but it sends 3.2.3 instead.

Will wait for a version beyond 3.2.3 before attempting to upgrade.


Such a version won't have it fixed, except maybe by accident, if we're not able to reproduce it.
For that your help is needed.

You can get older versions too, from https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/releases
(See also #292409: Download Archives missing versions above 3.0.5 on OSUSOL, version below 3.0.2 missing on GitHub releases)

One thing that helped in quite many cases is to starte MuseScore 3.2.3 by double-clicking a score. If that works, then in Edit > Preferences >General, untos "Show start center", than close MuseScore and open again 'normaly', and report back here.
This is a know issue, reported several times, but still we're not able to reproduce, suspicion is that some firewall is interfering.

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