How do I use the same sample for notes on multiple lines?

• Jul 29, 2019 - 01:10

I'm using the MDL Drumline extension to write drumline music. I'd like to write cymbal or snare splits as two separate lines but the sounds can only be applied to a single line. Is there a way to assign the same sample to multiple notes so I can put them on separate lines?

Edit: I got it to work! I had to go into the MDL files and add it into both the instrument file and the SFZ file but now I have multiple copies of the same sounds. It's a bit tedious but it works great.


Using the mixer you can assign any sound to any staff. Keep in mind that, for example, making two snare drums have the same sound will only make the sound louder when they play in unison, not like there are two drums playing.

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