Multi-line to single-line

• Aug 24, 2019 - 15:24

I didn't find any option when I want to delete one section of a voice in my sheet. There are a soprano and a piano voice, and somewhere I want to enter another vocal voice (like bass). But I don't want to be here a lot of rests (in the bass) when the soprano is the solo (with piano). Someone please, help, where can I find an option to delete just that beats which contain just rest? (So I just want to input a Bass voice without rests when it has in one section in the sheet, because it's really ugly). Here is an attachment as an example.
(Sorry for my English, not my mother tongue, but I hope it's understandable.)
Thanks for any advice!

Attachment Size
331. Ott látlak-e a forrásnál....mscz 25.47 KB


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