Triplet problem

• Sep 3, 2019 - 00:56

I don’t know much about music at all, only the basics, and I’m new to MuseScore, but my problem is that I can’t figure out how to do a triplet of quarter notes after a half note.(I’m copying my marching band music so I can always have it with me if I need it.) The song is in 4/4 but for some reason it just won’t let me put a quarter note triplet after a half note in the same measure. I know it’s possible, because it’s in my music, but I can’t seem to figure it out. Can anyone help?


Since a quarter note triplet takes the same amount of time as a half note, set the duration of the note/rest to a half note (press 6) then turn it into a triplet (press ctrl+3) this will give you a triplet of quarter notes and set the duration for the next note/rest to a quarter note.

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