How do I make an independent measure? (Secunda Volta)

• Sep 3, 2019 - 16:23

Hello all,

I'm writing a lead sheat right now and I can't find a way to make a secunda volta (single measure) be independent underneath the prima volta.
See image for example. (Because this probably sounds very confusing but I don't know how to explain it in any other way.)

I hope that someone can help me with this.
Kind regards

Attachment Size
Secunda Volta Example.png 27.31 KB


In this specific scenario I'd go with a system break at the end of volta 1, and then a horizontal frame at the start of the following system, allowing you to position the next real measure (with volta 2) where you want it.

In reply to by MathijsH

See attachment.

Started from the Jazz Leadsheet template when creating the score.
"Solo Build-Up" is a Rehearsal Mark
"Bass Rhtyhm" and "SIMILE" are Staff Text
Chord Symbols are... Chord Symbols
Rhythmic notation is a Tool, so is Fill with slashes
Then there are the two volta's for which the text and hook length was changed using the Inspector
Moving the 2nd volta to the end is done using a Horizontal Frame inserted just before the measure starting the volta by first highlighting that measure when issuing the command.
Then there is the use of System breaks and the applied barlines. The barlines change to winged versions for the repeats automatically in the Jazz templates.

All links are to the respective online handbook pages for MuseScore 3, explaining in more detail on how to add/use those.

Attachment Size
943422_volta_2_on_next_system.mscz 9.56 KB

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