Multiple verse lyrics on top of each other in MuseScore video

• Sep 23, 2019 - 08:54

I uploaded a score to MuseScore, and used the youtube export feature. When there are multiple verses of lyrics, the lyrics run into each other:

Rendered as:

Attachment Size
ps14.png 195.63 KB


It's a bug on the .com end, reported there over a year ago, but apparently not yet fixed.

The workaround is to set the lyrics lineheight to 200% and use that version to create your videoscore. Then restore the lineheight back to 100% and re-upload to update the score itself.

In reply to by jeetee

(Yes I know that this belongs to the .com end, but this was the first google hit where the issue was mentioned. Repairs always have to wait, if they come at all. Workarounds can be found at the .org end. :)

Another workaround I found is to leave an empty lyric line between lyric lines.

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