Musescore 3

• Sep 23, 2019 - 23:46

Hi Musescore developers, could you make a feature in Musescore 3 to where you can give people permission to edit your score with you, like a group edit? I'm requesting this because one of my friends (ㄕㄩRㄕレAR₵łⱤ₵ɄⱠ₳ⱤNT) on the Musescore website liked my score and he wanted to know if I could orchestrate the piece. Later, I private messaged him and asked him if he had any suggestions for the orchestration, such as any new instruments, arrangements, etc., and since he's better at making scores than me, I wanted to see if he could help me edit the score.

Thank you for your consideration,



You can email him the score, and let him edit and re-post it to his heart's content. Or he can email you back his improved version.

Anyway, that's a feature for, the score-sharing site, not here,, which is about the editing software. These are very different things.

You can also send him/her the 'secret link', in case the public one doesn't allow for downloading due to the score not being marked as PD or Original Work and the other person not having a Pro account.

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