Hint sheet

• Oct 2, 2019 - 11:55

This is a combination of my attempt to help improve Musescore documentation, and some questions. I note first that it appears to be the first post in this forum which actually relates to documentation since 6 August. The problem is that "Documentation" sounds like "Info about stuff" so people come here to ask questions about stuff. I suggest it would be a big improvement if forum title were made less ambiguous. One way might be subtitles, so this would be "Discussions about documentation issues". Currently the first three forums are almost indistinguishable by content, and I think it would be good to improve this.

But the issue: I repeat myself, but overwhelmingly the reasonable problems people ask about do not have "FAQ" forms - the questions are completely different in wording, yet the answers are the same (and the first is always "Voices"). I thought of making a sort of "sample score", but realised (slowly) that the range is too vast to fit this in a sheet. More soberly, I have started on a version for piano only. The bottom part will be the things that are basic to piano, but perhaps not intuitive, like cross-staff beaming, and pedalling (I still have not worked out how to do this properly, so need help).

I also think it will be helpful not to assume the user knows even quite basic terminology, like "Time signature". If your first language is not English, for example (or you just happened to do music lessons in a different language) you may consider yourself an expert at reading music, without knowing the words. It is very frustrating to know exactly what you want to look up, but have no idea what search string might find it. So I am going through the palettes, and labelling the appropriate bits with their names.

First question: I have got to "Brackets", which I don't think I have ever used. But trying to use a vertical bracket to label bracketed notes (which happens in piano music), I discover that although you can place them on any bar, they only affect staff/system grouping. Are there no general vertical brackets? Couldn't the name of this palette be changed (e.g.) to "Stave brackets"?

And a Feature request: It would be nice to have an "Annotation palette", to add (non-score) annotations for explanatory purposes. Boxes for labels, generic lines and arrows which can be attached to any element, not just a note/rest. That sort of thing...

Please comment. I can happily repost the feature request in the Proper Place, for example.

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hintsheet.mscz 12.71 KB


"If your first language is not English, for example (or you just happened to do music lessons in a different language) you may consider yourself an expert at reading music, without knowing the words."

For this dilemma I recommend the extensive Dolmetsch online music dictionary, which has entries in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish:

The drawback of the Dolmetsch online dictionary is that it is not searchable - or rather, it is only searchable within each small sub-section of the alphabet on a single web page.

It would be a nice project to create a proper multilingual music dictionary from the existing MuseScore translations. Each language would have its own column, the user could select which languages to display, and the dictionary would be fully searchable in each language...

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