Beam properties

• Oct 19, 2019 - 17:22

I'm using the previous version of Musescore - works fine but.....
In a 3/4 measure, I want to bar the first 4 eighth notes together then the last 2 but when I try to do that in the next measure, the bar lines extend across the bar line for both measures.
I attached an example.

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Untitled.mscz 6.05 KB


There are two places to change the default beaming and both are done the same way. You can right click the existing time signature choose time signature properties so you can adjust the beaming or you can press shift+t to bring up the time signature master palette and create a new 3/4 time signature. Select the existing one, adjust the beams then click Add. This will allow you to replace the 3/4 time signature in your score with the new one. I suggest you only have one 3/4 time signature in your time signatures palette in your workspace at a time so you don't have to try to remember which one you are selecting.

To adjust the beaming in either place, click on the beamed notes to unbeam them and click the unbeamed notes to beam them. If you right click a time signature on a staff, you will only affect that staff.

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