writing complex strumming patterns as for example in flamenco guitar

• Oct 24, 2019 - 19:12

i need some help in going deep into writing specific chord srumming patterns, indicating direction of attack differnt right hand fingers and sometimes really complex and syncopated rhythms.

also, i can't seem to find a way to construct my own chord diagrams. is there a way?


For chord (fretboard) diagrams see:

For syncopated rhythms see:
where you can have an "accent" notation appear above (or below) the notated staff.

For up/down strums you can use the up/down arrowed arpeggio symbols from the 'Arpeggios and Glissandos' palette:
See: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/arpeggios-and-glissandi

There is also the up/down bow symbol sometimes used for up/down picking or strumming. Look in the 'Articulations' palette.

For fingering, see:

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