Musescore does not recognice change of time signatures on midi import

• Oct 26, 2019 - 12:13

I'm arranging songs for a youth orchestra. Therefore I bought some midi files of the songs and the first four I worked on were handled very well by musescore.

But there is one song that gets "damaged" on import because musescore is not able to detect the change of time signatures (12/8th to 4/4th every bar). Other tools like Garage Band recognize the change of time signatures and display the song correctly.

Do you have any ideas, why musescore is not able to handle this file? Are there any import-options that might solve the issue?

Because of copyright issues i cannot upload the file publicly – but if someone likes to try the import just send me a direct message.

Thank you very much in advance!


MIDI is not a very good format for representing notation, if you could get a MusicXML file you'd be much better off. As it is, I don't think there are any options to control recognition of time signature changes. If you can edit the MIDI file, maybe experiment with placing the time signature info in different tracks. Otherwise, you would need to change the time signature after import, then try Tools / Regroup Rhythms to fix things up.

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