Coda attacked itself to a system bracket... can't move it or remove it.

• Oct 31, 2019 - 13:22

I have this score (attached) that plays correctly but the Coda (to coda) attached to measure 16 has moved to the measure 32 system bracket. It seems to be attached to the system bracket. I can't delete or move it without deleting the system bracket. If I pan the first page of the score off the screen so that only the second page is visible the attached Coda disappears but comes back if I pan back to the first page of the score.

I don't know if this is related.... its something I have experienced for a while.... the Coda symbol for To Codas will change size (get smaller and lose their formatting) and move randomly after a score is saved then reloaded later. After reformatting it and positioning it correctly it stays put.

Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.

Attachment Size
Stars And Midnight Blue.mscz 27.74 KB


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