Change from Rhythm/Percussion Clef to any melodic clef (G/F/C) and vice versa

• Nov 4, 2019 - 12:44

I use MuseScore to orchestrate and arrange for Musical Theatre. In our case, the percussionist sometimes switches from rhythmic instruments (Drum Kit, Gran Cassa, Sus. Cym., etc.) to melodic instruments (Xylo, Maribma, Vibraphone, Glock, Crotales, etc.) and vice versa. Please add this feature, it would be a huge help to me and to the others. (Clef switches as seen in the pictures below) [the photos were taken from a musical I'm studying]

(Sorry for my bad english :P)

Attachment Size
switch_1.PNG 13.19 KB
switch_2.PNG 16.04 KB


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