Request - Overlapping rhythms

• Nov 6, 2019 - 16:32

Here are two pictures. The first one, labeled as "Original score.png" is one bar from a ravel piece, "Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn". As you can see, on the first beat there are two half notes and one quarter note above on each staff. The quarter notes are separate from the half notes as their stems point up whereas the half notes' point down, and that makes reading much easier, the melody and chords being distinct.
From what I've gathered, both of those things (notes of different durations on the same beat and separating different notes' stems) are impossible to do in Musescore. As you can see in the second picture, aptly named "Musescore", I've tried my best to replicate that bar in Musescore, and the result is not nearly as pleasant to read. So I suggest you (Musescore developers) try to come up with a solution. Maybe, when you right-click on a note's head and a little tab appears, there's a button that says something like "separate note" and then it would be completely independent in terms of duration and stem and flag direction and stuff.
By the way, thanks for making Musescore, it's really great, and I think it has more of an impact on the world of music than one might think.
Gabriel Zygel

Attachment Size
Original score.png 89.94 KB
Musescore.png 78.75 KB


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