Advanced Pallete

• Nov 16, 2019 - 14:26

I have just upgraded to Musescore The advanced palette has disappeared. It shows as "Advanced edited" in the drop down list at the tope right hand side of the screen, but when I select that it is empty. How do I restore the Advanced palette, please?


Select the workspace and open the menu View->Workspaces and choose Reset workspace. BTW, if you close and reopen MuseScore, the advanced workspace will be added back and the Advanced Edited will remain with the same edits. This actually allows you to create a custom workspace by simply editing a default workspace. You can, at any point, select the edited work space, use View->Workspace and choose Edit. You will get the same dialog box as if you created a custom workspace and you can rename it if you want and select the other options (only toolbars is currently meaningful).

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