making backgrounds tacit first time through repeat section

• Nov 24, 2019 - 22:55

I'm writing a piece that has a 12-bar section of solos, each solo repeating the 12 bars twice. I have backgrounds to be played the 2nd time through only, tacit the first time through. Is there a way to build that in to the score while having the 12 bars repeated, or do I have to add another 12 bars to spell out that the backgrounds are 2nd X only?


If you want one version for playback and one version for printing, you can use the Unroll Repeats tool (Tools->Unroll repeats) to create a version with the repeats expanded. You can then easily either select all of the notes you want muted and unmark play for them in the inspector or even simply delete them. There is no Reroll option, so you will have to maintain both versions.

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