Musescore 3 Start up issues

• Nov 28, 2019 - 23:07

Since the update, whenever I open Musescore, It crashes with no error code or anything. I am running widows 10 64 bit. I have the 64 bit program. I have tried running it as admin and other compatibility levels but nothing worked....Anyone else?


Can you open it by opening a file using your file browser/explorer? If so, chances are that the start center is causing the crash for you.
The workaround is then to (once opened from a score) go to Edit → Preferences and remove the tick from the checkbox for Show start center. Now starting from the icon should work as well.

What computer specifically? I have a similar problem on a Surface Pro 6, and it turns out to be related to the graphics driver it uses. Solution is to set an environment variable QT_OPENGL=angle, which you can do system-wide by typing "environment" into the search box on the taskbar and following instructions from there (variable "QT_OPENGL", value "angle", no quotes).

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